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Resenha Cosmica Minicourses (Hybrid)
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Resenha Cosmica 3 -Minicourses
Mini course 1: Introduction to single-field inflation
Michael Bacchi (PhD Student)
Introduces the shortcomings of the Hot Big Bang Theory, inflation, QFT in curved spacetime, primordial and cosmological perturbations, the last scattering surface, and CMB anisotropies.
Mini course 2: Astrophysics of Compact Objects
Tulio Ottoni (PhD Student)
Covers astrophysics of compact objects, including white dwarfs, core-collapse supernovae, and neutron stars, focusing on their structure, equation of state, and tests of gravitational regimes.
Mini course 3: Interesting Problems in Cosmology
Prajwal Hassan Puttasiddappa (PhD Student)
Explores open problems in modern cosmology, including fine-tuning, inflationrelated, and matter-antimatter asymmetry issues, as well as singularities in the universe, both globally and locally. Open Problems: Fine-Tuning, Coincidence Problem, Inflation related problems (Flatness problem, Entropy problem, Eternal Inflation, Trans-Plankian era), Role of gravity in early universe, matter-antimatter asymmetry problem.
Notes are available in
Guest Speakers:
Dia: de 02 a 26 de Maio, 2023
Local: Sala 1, PPGFis
Contact: [email protected]
(Certificate of participation can be provided to regular attendees upon request)
Mini course 1: Introduction to single-field inflation
Michael Bacchi (PhD Student)
Introduces the shortcomings of the Hot Big Bang Theory, inflation, QFT in curved spacetime, primordial and cosmological perturbations, the last scattering surface, and CMB anisotropies.
- The shortcomings of the Hot Big Bang Theory and how inflation can solve them
- Slow-roll inflation and overview of single-field inflationary models
- Basic of QFT on curved spacetime backgrounds
- Cosmological perturbations theory during inflation and observables
- The last scattering surface
- CMB anisotropies and the Sachs-Wolf formula
Mini course 2: Astrophysics of Compact Objects
Tulio Ottoni (PhD Student)
Covers astrophysics of compact objects, including white dwarfs, core-collapse supernovae, and neutron stars, focusing on their structure, equation of state, and tests of gravitational regimes.
- White dwarfs
- Detailed mechanical structure and equation of State (eos)
- Tests of newtonian gravitational regime and the relativistic nature of the Chandrasekhar limit
- Collapse of the iron core: neutrino driven explosion
- Review of stellar evolution until the end point
- Collapse of the iron core: neutrino driven explosion
- Formation of neutron stars and black holes: mass function
- Neutron Stars
- Structure and eos: Synergy between nuclear physics and gravitation
- Strong field tests of gravity with pulsars.
Mini course 3: Interesting Problems in Cosmology
Prajwal Hassan Puttasiddappa (PhD Student)
Explores open problems in modern cosmology, including fine-tuning, inflationrelated, and matter-antimatter asymmetry issues, as well as singularities in the universe, both globally and locally. Open Problems: Fine-Tuning, Coincidence Problem, Inflation related problems (Flatness problem, Entropy problem, Eternal Inflation, Trans-Plankian era), Role of gravity in early universe, matter-antimatter asymmetry problem.
Notes are available in
Guest Speakers:
- Tays Miranda de Andrade (Postdoc, University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
- Jonas Pedro Pereira (Postdoc, UFES, Brasil)
- Adrià Gómez-Valent (Postdoc, INFN, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Rome)
Dia: de 02 a 26 de Maio, 2023
Local: Sala 1, PPGFis
Contact: [email protected]
(Certificate of participation can be provided to regular attendees upon request)

Adria Talk |
Neutrino Physics, theory and experiments
Alisa Nozdrina (Universidade de Kansas, EUA)
Lecture 1: Introduction to the ultra-high energy neutrino physics
Neutrino is an elementary particle with the unique properties. It is electrically neutral and therefore doesn't bend in magnetic fields. It has almost no mass and interact extremely weakly with the matter. These properties, allow neutrinos to travel far through the space without a single interaction, making it a perfect messenger of the processes in the far cosmos. However, an observation of this particle is notoriously challenging and requires gigantic detector volume. In this lecture we will be talking about experimental efforts toward the observation of the most energetic particles reaching the Earth - Ultra-high energy neutrinos, and a new detection technique which utilizes antarctic ice as a detector volume.
Lecture 2: Radio neutrino observatories
Two ongoing experiments located on the opposite sides of the Earth - ARA (Askaryan Radio Array at McMurdo station near the South Pole) and RNO-g (Radio Neutrino Observatory at the Summit Station in Greenland) share a common goal - to detect Ultra-high energy neutrinos. Unique experimental approach is to search for the coherent radio emission, produced by neutrino interactions within the ice. We will discuss hardware design, data analysis and the challenges which accompany operations in extreme weather conditions.
Dias e horários: dia 01/09, 17 h e 02/09, 14 h.
Local: Auditório do PPGFis.
Alisa Nozdrina (Universidade de Kansas, EUA)
Lecture 1: Introduction to the ultra-high energy neutrino physics
Neutrino is an elementary particle with the unique properties. It is electrically neutral and therefore doesn't bend in magnetic fields. It has almost no mass and interact extremely weakly with the matter. These properties, allow neutrinos to travel far through the space without a single interaction, making it a perfect messenger of the processes in the far cosmos. However, an observation of this particle is notoriously challenging and requires gigantic detector volume. In this lecture we will be talking about experimental efforts toward the observation of the most energetic particles reaching the Earth - Ultra-high energy neutrinos, and a new detection technique which utilizes antarctic ice as a detector volume.
Lecture 2: Radio neutrino observatories
Two ongoing experiments located on the opposite sides of the Earth - ARA (Askaryan Radio Array at McMurdo station near the South Pole) and RNO-g (Radio Neutrino Observatory at the Summit Station in Greenland) share a common goal - to detect Ultra-high energy neutrinos. Unique experimental approach is to search for the coherent radio emission, produced by neutrino interactions within the ice. We will discuss hardware design, data analysis and the challenges which accompany operations in extreme weather conditions.
Dias e horários: dia 01/09, 17 h e 02/09, 14 h.
Local: Auditório do PPGFis.
Introdução à Gravidade Modificada
Pedro Bessa (PPGCosmo)
Esse minicurso tem a intenção de introduzir estudantes de graduação a alguns aspectos matemáticos e físicos das propostas de modificação da Gravidade, partindo apenas da Gravitação Newtoniana, e explorando as propriedades que tornam os modelos de gravitação únicos. A ideia é mostrar como, mesmo a partir da Gravitação Newtoniana e da Mecânica Clássica não-relativística, as leis que descrevem sistemas gravitacionais são especiais do ponto de vista matemático e físico.
Dias: 10, 12 e 13 de Abril (terça, quinta e sexta);
Horário: Das 17:00 às 18:30;
Local: Auditório do PPGFis.
Pedro Bessa (PPGCosmo)
Esse minicurso tem a intenção de introduzir estudantes de graduação a alguns aspectos matemáticos e físicos das propostas de modificação da Gravidade, partindo apenas da Gravitação Newtoniana, e explorando as propriedades que tornam os modelos de gravitação únicos. A ideia é mostrar como, mesmo a partir da Gravitação Newtoniana e da Mecânica Clássica não-relativística, as leis que descrevem sistemas gravitacionais são especiais do ponto de vista matemático e físico.
Dias: 10, 12 e 13 de Abril (terça, quinta e sexta);
Horário: Das 17:00 às 18:30;
Local: Auditório do PPGFis.
Correções quânticas e aplicações em cosmologia
Prof. Ilya Shapiro (UFJF)
Dias: 05 e 06 de abril (terça e quarta)
Horário: Das 11:00 às 12:30
Local: Sala 2 do prédio do PPGFis
Lembramos que o evento está sujeito a todas as regras da UFES referentes à COVID, em particular frisamos:
- Máscaras são obrigatórias.
- Manter o distanciamento.
- Carteira de vacinação de COVID completa.
Prof. Ilya Shapiro (UFJF)
Dias: 05 e 06 de abril (terça e quarta)
Horário: Das 11:00 às 12:30
Local: Sala 2 do prédio do PPGFis
Lembramos que o evento está sujeito a todas as regras da UFES referentes à COVID, em particular frisamos:
- Máscaras são obrigatórias.
- Manter o distanciamento.
- Carteira de vacinação de COVID completa.
Introduction to Lie algebras
Giuseppe Dito (Université de Bourgogne/CNRS, França)
Symmetries in physics are often implemented as an invariance under a Lie group/algebra. The goal of this mini-course is to give a concise introduction to basic notions on Lie algebras and their representations. We will study several types of Lie algebras (nilpotent, solvable, semisimple) and their main properties. The course will be illustrated with examples of applications to physics.
Datas: 15, 17, 24 e 25 de Fevereiro.
Horário: 18h30 às 20h00.
Local: Escola Éber Louzada Zippinotti, em Jardim da Penha.
"Por razões de segurança, relacionadas à pandemia, o número de participantes será limitado a 20 pessoas.
Os interessados em participar do minicurso deverão solicitar inscrição escrevendo para [email protected]"
Giuseppe Dito (Université de Bourgogne/CNRS, França)
Symmetries in physics are often implemented as an invariance under a Lie group/algebra. The goal of this mini-course is to give a concise introduction to basic notions on Lie algebras and their representations. We will study several types of Lie algebras (nilpotent, solvable, semisimple) and their main properties. The course will be illustrated with examples of applications to physics.
Datas: 15, 17, 24 e 25 de Fevereiro.
Horário: 18h30 às 20h00.
Local: Escola Éber Louzada Zippinotti, em Jardim da Penha.
"Por razões de segurança, relacionadas à pandemia, o número de participantes será limitado a 20 pessoas.
Os interessados em participar do minicurso deverão solicitar inscrição escrevendo para [email protected]"
Scalar Field Cosmology
Sergey V Chervon (Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Russia)
Dates: February, 7, 14, 21 of 2019.
Time: always from 11:00 to 12:00.
Local: PPGFis building/Classroom 1.
Seminar 1: A canonical scalar field in GR cosmology.
Seminar 2: The superpotential method in GR and Brane cosmology.
Seminar 3: Cosmological solutions in modified gravity theories.
Sergey V Chervon (Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Russia)
Dates: February, 7, 14, 21 of 2019.
Time: always from 11:00 to 12:00.
Local: PPGFis building/Classroom 1.
Seminar 1: A canonical scalar field in GR cosmology.
Seminar 2: The superpotential method in GR and Brane cosmology.
Seminar 3: Cosmological solutions in modified gravity theories.
Mathematical aspects of quantum mechanics
Giuseppe Dito (Université de Bourgogne, França)
Dates: July, 08, 09, 10 and 12 of 2019.
Time: always from 13:30 to 15:00.
Local: PPGFis building/Classroom 1.
This mini-course will cover various mathematical aspects that are not usually mentioned in a Quantum Mechanics class. After defining the main notions and tools on unbounded operators on a Hilbert space, we will discuss the problem of self-adjoint extensions and its importance in physical problems.
Stellar structure in modified gravity
Aneta Wojnar (UFES)
Dates: March, 08, 15 and 22 of 2019.
Time: Always from 10:00 to 12:00.
Local: PPGFis building/Auditorium
1. Issues with stellar structures in modified gravity
2. Low-mass stars in modified gravity
Tópicos em Astronomia Extragaláctica
Laerte Sodré (IAG-USP)
Vou abordar alguns tópicos de meu interesse direto e que são parte do curso de formação de galáxias ministrado no IAG por mim e e outros colegas.
-Matéria Escura (04/02, das 16 h às 18 h) - pdf
-Efeitos do Ambiente em Galáxias (05/02, das 16 h às 18 h) - pdf
-O Universo em Altos Redshifts e Formação de Galáxias (07/02, das 16 h às 18 h) - pdf
Aglomerados de galáxias
Gastão Bierrenbach (IAG/USP)
Dia 28/08: Das 15 às 17 horas
Dia 30/08: Das 14 às 16 horas
A proposta de deste mini-curso é dar um panorama do que sabemos sobre aglomerados de galáxias, com ênfase nas observações recentes. Em particular veremos questões relacionadas às colisões e fusões de aglomerados, efeitos ambientais em galáxias e detecção de aglomerados em alto redshift. Iremos também abordar um aspecto mais prático de como acessar alguns arquivos públicos (por exemplo, SDSS, Chandra, XMM Newton, Heasarc) para obter dados (alguns já reduzidos) que podem ser livremente usados.
Fundamental science with Euclid (PDF)
Luca Amendola (U. of Heidelberg, Germany)
Sep. 18 and Sep. 20/2018 from 13:30 to 15:00
In the first part, I will review the Euclid satellite project and its three main pillars, weak lensing, galaxy clustering and galaxy clusters. In the second part, I'll discuss how one can use Euclid data to constrain gravity at cosmological scales.
Buracos negros e singularidades nuas (PDF)
Gustavo Dotti (Universidad de Córdoba, Argentina)
May 22th - 25th, 2018. From 17: to 18:30.
Introduction to supersymmetric field theory
Prof. Joseph Buchbinder (Universidade de Tomsk, Rússia)
Monday 23/04/2018, Tuesday 24/04/2018 and Wednesday 25/04/208. From 13:30 to 15:00.
1. General idea of supersymmetry. Lorentz and Poincaré groups. Two component spinors.
2. Supersymmetry algebra. Antocommuting variables. Superspace and superfield.
3. Superfield action. Wess-Zumino model. Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory.
Machine Learning Mini-Course
Luciano Casarini (IIP-UFRN)
19/12/2017 14h00
Binary classifier, MNIST data set, cross-validation, confusion matrix, precison-recall tradeoff, ROC curve, multiclass classification.
22/12/2017 14h00
Linear regression, batch gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent, polynomial regression, overfitting/underfitting, bias/variance tradeoff.
03/01/2017 10h00
Ridge regression, lasso regression,elastic net, early stopping, logistic regression, softmax regression.
09/01/2017 14h00
Curse of dimensionality, projection, manifold learning, Principal Component Analysis, kernels.
Tópicos em Astrofísica
José Antônio de Freitas Pacheco (OCA / PPGCosmo)
Dia 11/09/2017: "Restos de supernova" ( pdf )
Dia 14/09/2017: "Magnetoesfera dos pulsares" ( pdf )
Dia 19/09/2017: "Acresção por buracos negros" ( pdf )
Horário: 13:30 às 15 horas.
Quantum aspects of black holes
Marc Casals (CBPF)
From August 14 to 18, and from August 21 to 23 of 2017. All the days from 14:00 to 16:00.
Hawking’s discovery that black holes are not, in fact, black but they emit quantum radiation created a new paradigm: it placed black holes as an ideal arena for theories of Quantum Gravity and raised an -as yet unresolved- information paradox. In this course, we will first present the canonical quantization of a scalar field in flat space-time and will study the example of the Unruh effect. We will then move on to quantum fields on classical black hole space-times. This ‘semiclassical’ framework will serve to investigate quantum aspects of black holes, such as Hawking radiation and black hole thermodynamics. If we have time, we will finish by presenting the latest advances in the field, particularly in relation to the black hole information paradox and to the experimental detection of Hawking radiation in analogue models
Minicurso sobre programação em Python
Tiago Castro (UFRJ)
1ª Aula: Básico de python (Incluindo numpy, scipy, matplotlib...)
2ª Aula: POO em python (Criação de um pacote para cosmologia)
3ª Aula: Paralelização em Python
4ª Aula: Estatística Bayesiana em Python (Básico de estatística Bayesiana, MCMC, emcee, analisando JLA)
5ª Aula: Análisando Simulações Cosmológicas em Python
Extra: github, Gadget.
Dias: 15 a 19 de maio de 2017. Prédio do PPGFis.
2a: 12:00-14:00, sala 2 - aula 1
3a: 13:00-15:00, sala 1 - aula 2, material auxiliar
4a: 15:30-17:30, sala 1 - aula 3, material auxiliar
5a: 13:00-15:00, sala 1 - aula 4 (nb jupyter)
6a: 15:00-17:00, sala 2 - aula 5 (nb jupyter)
Formalismo ADM, Gravitação e Cosmologia Quânticas - Segunda parte do curso Tópicos em Cosmologia do PPGCosmo
Nelson Pinto-Neto (CBPF)
Dia 08/05/2017, das 18:00 às 19:30.
Tópico: "Cosmologia quântica: o problema da interpretação."
De 09 a 11/05/2017, das 13:30 às 15:00.
"Equação de Wheeler-De Witt para geometrias homogêneas e isotrópicas e um campo escalar canônico e suas soluções."
"Equação de Wheeler-De Witt para geometrias homogêneas e isotrópicas e um campo escalar tipo quintessência e suas soluções: o caso de fluidos hidrodinâmicos."
"As soluções com ricochete e suas propriedades."
Dia 12/05/2017, das 10:30 às 12:00.
Tópico: "Perturbações de origem quântica em modelos de cosmologia quântica: equações fundamentais e soluções para modelos com ricochete."
Separação 3+1 da Teoria da Relatividade Geral - Primeira parte do curso Tópicos em Cosmologia do PPGCosmo
Nelson Pinto-Neto (CBPF)
1) Formalismo hamiltoniano e quantização de sistemas vinculados
2) Hamiltoniana da TRG e sua quantização
3) Modelos de minisuperespaco e cosmologia quântica
Dias: 21 a 25 de novembro de 2016 (todos os dias).
Horário: Todos os dias das 17 às 19 horas.
Dark Matter a short review: history, candidates and detection
Antonino del Popolo (Universita di Catania, Italy)
This minicourse is a review of the current status of non-baryonic dark matter (DM) research, starting from a historical overview of the evidences of existence of DM, then discussing the main DM candidates, and concluding with the direct and indirect detection methods, and the results of the quoted search.
Lecture 1: (ppt, 29.7 MB)
September 15 (thursday), from 11:00 to 12:00
Lecture 2: (ppt, 21.7 MB)
September 19 (monday), from 11:00 to 12:00
Lecture 3: (ppt, 78.6 MB)
September 21 (wednesday) , from 9:45 to 10:45
Emergent Gravity - an exposition
Raju Roychowdhury (USP, Brasil)
An elucidation on the geometrization of electromagnetic force further leads to a proposal for a gravity theory (which we call emergent gravity) with non-symmetric metric. It will be shown why we believe that in non-commutative (NC) spacetime there always exists a coordinate transformation that locally eliminates electromagnetic force which is nothing but an upshot of Darboux theorem (precisely an analogue of equivalence principle) in symplectic geometry. The consequence is that electromagnetism can be realized as a geometrical property of spacetime like gravity. It will be discussed how emergent gravity reveals a beautiful generalized geometrical structure which is an artifact of the famous Seiberg-Witten equivalence between commutative and NC DBI actions and is reminiscent of the homological mirror symmetry. In emergent gravity the topology of spacetime is determined by the topology of NC U(1) gauge fields. We will show that the topology change of spacetime is ample in emergent gravity and the subsequent resolution of spacetime singularity is possible in NC spacetime. Using ADHM construction we will show why emergent gravity provides a well-defined mechanism for the topology change of spacetime which does not suffer from any spacetime singularity in sharp contrast to general relativity.
Lecture 1 . Fundamentals and Motivations with Mathematical Foundations - Lie Bracket, Courant Bracket, Generalized Geometry etc.
(31/08 - from 11 to 12)
Lecture 2. Tools for future - ADHM construction - a rapid introduction (01/09 - from 11 to 12)
Lecture 3. Physical application - Topology Change in emergent gravity and resolution of singularity (02/09 - from 11 to 12)
Some recent developments in gravitation theory
Dmitry Galtsov (Moscow State University)
June 27 (monday): from 11:00 to 12:00
June 28 (tuesday): from 09:30 to 12:00 (with 30 minutes break)
July 08 (friday): from 09:30 to 10:30
This mini lecture course introduces some recent ideas in the theory of gravitation beyond Einstein gravity. The first is the idea that at small distances gravity becomes multidimensional and strong, with Planck's mass of the order of TeV. This predicts possibility of black hole creation at LHC which is currently under experimental search. Two follwing lectures are devoted to gravity models with massive graviton within the Minkowski space linear theory and the non-linear ghost-free gravity suggested in 2010. The last lecture intriduces non-minimal couplings of matter fields to gravity containing higher derivatives, but without ghosts.
1. TeV-scale gravity with extra dimensions
2. Massive graviton in linearized gravity
3. Non-linear massive gravity and bigravity
4. Horndeski couplings
Variational Methods in Differential Equations and Applications
Júlio César do Espírito Santo (UFOP) --- No, he is not Júlio César Fabris.
June 29 and July 1st. From 11:00 to 12:15
The main objective of this minicourse is to illustrate the direct method in the
Calculus of variations, used to treat problems involving Elliptical Operators.
In general, the method seeks to derive and analyze an equivalent variational
problem, in a certain sense, to the problem in differential equations.
This minicourse, divided in two parts: in the first meeting we wish to show the
Method details, applying it to a linear boundary problem, highlighting the
difficulties that arise and what motivates the concepts that are necessary for
its application. In the last meeting, we shall show what difficulties arise in
applying the Method to a non-linear problems, highlighting how it works to a
problem involving the p-Laplacian operator: known as the prototype and a mascot
to non-linear elliptical differential operators.
To be or not to be modified... gravity
Radouane Gannouji (UCV, Chile)
December 14 -18, 2015.
First lecture, Monday (Dec 14) from 11:00 to 12:30: The road to modified gravity.
I will introduce the current problems in cosmology and a possible road of investigation dubbed modified gravity.
Second lecture, Wednesday (Dec 16) from 11:00 to 12:30: Chameleon mechanism.
If a modification of gravity can be considered as welcomed at large scales, we need to hide the additional field locally. I will discuss the chameleon mechanism, its strengths and the weaknesses, from the lab to the Universe.
Third lecture, Friday (Dec 18) from 11:00 to 12:30: Vainshtein mechanism.
From massive gravity to galileons, various models propose an other screening mechanism. If the chameleon mechanism uses the non-linearities coming from matter couplings, the Vainshtein mechanism uses the self-coupling of a scalar-field degree of freedom as a source for the non-linear effect. We will see also various aspects of this mechanism
Introduction to cosmological perturbation theory
Jai-chan Hwang (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
November 10, 12 and 16 - 11 a.m. - PPGFis, room 3.
We introduce cosmological perturbation theory which is at the foundation of modern physical cosmology connecting observations with theories. Basics of relativistic linear and nonlinear cosmological perturbation theory will be explained. As it is convenient to have the covariant (1 + 3) and the ADM (3 + 1) formulation of Einstein's gravity, we will introduce these two formulations in the first couple of lectures. The gauge (coordinate degrees of freedom) issue and a way to use it for our convenience will be explained.
Here you can find the pdf file of the lectures.
The small scale problems of the LCDM model
Antonino del Popolo (Universita' di Catania -Italy )
October 05 -09, 2015.
Monday (Oct 05): from 11:00 to 12:30.
Wednesday (Oct 07): from 11:00 to 12:30.
Friday (Oct. 09): from 11:00 to 12:30.
Slides: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Horizons for surface waves in fluids
Alberto Saa (Unicamp)
August 12 -14, 2015.
Wednesday: from 17:00 to 18:15. (pdf)
Thursday: from 11:00 to 12:15. (pdf)
Friday: from 11:00 to 12:15. (pdf)
Surface waves on stationary flows will be revisited. We will focus on the linear regime for the waves, where an effective geometrical formulation is available and the notion of horizon for surface waves makes sense. We will show also that such fluid configurations can be studied experimentally in rather simple hydrodynamics setups which could be considered as simplified analogs of real spacetime phenomena.
Giuseppe Dito (Université de Bourgogne, França)
Dates: July, 08, 09, 10 and 12 of 2019.
Time: always from 13:30 to 15:00.
Local: PPGFis building/Classroom 1.
This mini-course will cover various mathematical aspects that are not usually mentioned in a Quantum Mechanics class. After defining the main notions and tools on unbounded operators on a Hilbert space, we will discuss the problem of self-adjoint extensions and its importance in physical problems.
Stellar structure in modified gravity
Aneta Wojnar (UFES)
Dates: March, 08, 15 and 22 of 2019.
Time: Always from 10:00 to 12:00.
Local: PPGFis building/Auditorium
1. Issues with stellar structures in modified gravity
2. Low-mass stars in modified gravity
Tópicos em Astronomia Extragaláctica
Laerte Sodré (IAG-USP)
Vou abordar alguns tópicos de meu interesse direto e que são parte do curso de formação de galáxias ministrado no IAG por mim e e outros colegas.
-Matéria Escura (04/02, das 16 h às 18 h) - pdf
-Efeitos do Ambiente em Galáxias (05/02, das 16 h às 18 h) - pdf
-O Universo em Altos Redshifts e Formação de Galáxias (07/02, das 16 h às 18 h) - pdf
Aglomerados de galáxias
Gastão Bierrenbach (IAG/USP)
Dia 28/08: Das 15 às 17 horas
Dia 30/08: Das 14 às 16 horas
A proposta de deste mini-curso é dar um panorama do que sabemos sobre aglomerados de galáxias, com ênfase nas observações recentes. Em particular veremos questões relacionadas às colisões e fusões de aglomerados, efeitos ambientais em galáxias e detecção de aglomerados em alto redshift. Iremos também abordar um aspecto mais prático de como acessar alguns arquivos públicos (por exemplo, SDSS, Chandra, XMM Newton, Heasarc) para obter dados (alguns já reduzidos) que podem ser livremente usados.
Fundamental science with Euclid (PDF)
Luca Amendola (U. of Heidelberg, Germany)
Sep. 18 and Sep. 20/2018 from 13:30 to 15:00
In the first part, I will review the Euclid satellite project and its three main pillars, weak lensing, galaxy clustering and galaxy clusters. In the second part, I'll discuss how one can use Euclid data to constrain gravity at cosmological scales.
Buracos negros e singularidades nuas (PDF)
Gustavo Dotti (Universidad de Córdoba, Argentina)
May 22th - 25th, 2018. From 17: to 18:30.
- Introdução aos conceitos de buracos negros e singularidades nuas
- A relevância do estudo de estabilidade
- Estudo da instabilidade linear de buracos negros e singularidades nuas
- Estudo de estabilidade linear non-modal de buracos negros
- Simetrias escondidas
Introduction to supersymmetric field theory
Prof. Joseph Buchbinder (Universidade de Tomsk, Rússia)
Monday 23/04/2018, Tuesday 24/04/2018 and Wednesday 25/04/208. From 13:30 to 15:00.
1. General idea of supersymmetry. Lorentz and Poincaré groups. Two component spinors.
2. Supersymmetry algebra. Antocommuting variables. Superspace and superfield.
3. Superfield action. Wess-Zumino model. Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory.
Machine Learning Mini-Course
Luciano Casarini (IIP-UFRN)
19/12/2017 14h00
Binary classifier, MNIST data set, cross-validation, confusion matrix, precison-recall tradeoff, ROC curve, multiclass classification.
22/12/2017 14h00
Linear regression, batch gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent, polynomial regression, overfitting/underfitting, bias/variance tradeoff.
03/01/2017 10h00
Ridge regression, lasso regression,elastic net, early stopping, logistic regression, softmax regression.
09/01/2017 14h00
Curse of dimensionality, projection, manifold learning, Principal Component Analysis, kernels.
Tópicos em Astrofísica
José Antônio de Freitas Pacheco (OCA / PPGCosmo)
Dia 11/09/2017: "Restos de supernova" ( pdf )
Dia 14/09/2017: "Magnetoesfera dos pulsares" ( pdf )
Dia 19/09/2017: "Acresção por buracos negros" ( pdf )
Horário: 13:30 às 15 horas.
Quantum aspects of black holes
Marc Casals (CBPF)
From August 14 to 18, and from August 21 to 23 of 2017. All the days from 14:00 to 16:00.
Hawking’s discovery that black holes are not, in fact, black but they emit quantum radiation created a new paradigm: it placed black holes as an ideal arena for theories of Quantum Gravity and raised an -as yet unresolved- information paradox. In this course, we will first present the canonical quantization of a scalar field in flat space-time and will study the example of the Unruh effect. We will then move on to quantum fields on classical black hole space-times. This ‘semiclassical’ framework will serve to investigate quantum aspects of black holes, such as Hawking radiation and black hole thermodynamics. If we have time, we will finish by presenting the latest advances in the field, particularly in relation to the black hole information paradox and to the experimental detection of Hawking radiation in analogue models
Minicurso sobre programação em Python
Tiago Castro (UFRJ)
1ª Aula: Básico de python (Incluindo numpy, scipy, matplotlib...)
2ª Aula: POO em python (Criação de um pacote para cosmologia)
3ª Aula: Paralelização em Python
4ª Aula: Estatística Bayesiana em Python (Básico de estatística Bayesiana, MCMC, emcee, analisando JLA)
5ª Aula: Análisando Simulações Cosmológicas em Python
Extra: github, Gadget.
Dias: 15 a 19 de maio de 2017. Prédio do PPGFis.
2a: 12:00-14:00, sala 2 - aula 1
3a: 13:00-15:00, sala 1 - aula 2, material auxiliar
4a: 15:30-17:30, sala 1 - aula 3, material auxiliar
5a: 13:00-15:00, sala 1 - aula 4 (nb jupyter)
6a: 15:00-17:00, sala 2 - aula 5 (nb jupyter)
Formalismo ADM, Gravitação e Cosmologia Quânticas - Segunda parte do curso Tópicos em Cosmologia do PPGCosmo
Nelson Pinto-Neto (CBPF)
Dia 08/05/2017, das 18:00 às 19:30.
Tópico: "Cosmologia quântica: o problema da interpretação."
De 09 a 11/05/2017, das 13:30 às 15:00.
"Equação de Wheeler-De Witt para geometrias homogêneas e isotrópicas e um campo escalar canônico e suas soluções."
"Equação de Wheeler-De Witt para geometrias homogêneas e isotrópicas e um campo escalar tipo quintessência e suas soluções: o caso de fluidos hidrodinâmicos."
"As soluções com ricochete e suas propriedades."
Dia 12/05/2017, das 10:30 às 12:00.
Tópico: "Perturbações de origem quântica em modelos de cosmologia quântica: equações fundamentais e soluções para modelos com ricochete."
Separação 3+1 da Teoria da Relatividade Geral - Primeira parte do curso Tópicos em Cosmologia do PPGCosmo
Nelson Pinto-Neto (CBPF)
1) Formalismo hamiltoniano e quantização de sistemas vinculados
2) Hamiltoniana da TRG e sua quantização
3) Modelos de minisuperespaco e cosmologia quântica
Dias: 21 a 25 de novembro de 2016 (todos os dias).
Horário: Todos os dias das 17 às 19 horas.
Dark Matter a short review: history, candidates and detection
Antonino del Popolo (Universita di Catania, Italy)
This minicourse is a review of the current status of non-baryonic dark matter (DM) research, starting from a historical overview of the evidences of existence of DM, then discussing the main DM candidates, and concluding with the direct and indirect detection methods, and the results of the quoted search.
Lecture 1: (ppt, 29.7 MB)
September 15 (thursday), from 11:00 to 12:00
Lecture 2: (ppt, 21.7 MB)
September 19 (monday), from 11:00 to 12:00
Lecture 3: (ppt, 78.6 MB)
September 21 (wednesday) , from 9:45 to 10:45
Emergent Gravity - an exposition
Raju Roychowdhury (USP, Brasil)
An elucidation on the geometrization of electromagnetic force further leads to a proposal for a gravity theory (which we call emergent gravity) with non-symmetric metric. It will be shown why we believe that in non-commutative (NC) spacetime there always exists a coordinate transformation that locally eliminates electromagnetic force which is nothing but an upshot of Darboux theorem (precisely an analogue of equivalence principle) in symplectic geometry. The consequence is that electromagnetism can be realized as a geometrical property of spacetime like gravity. It will be discussed how emergent gravity reveals a beautiful generalized geometrical structure which is an artifact of the famous Seiberg-Witten equivalence between commutative and NC DBI actions and is reminiscent of the homological mirror symmetry. In emergent gravity the topology of spacetime is determined by the topology of NC U(1) gauge fields. We will show that the topology change of spacetime is ample in emergent gravity and the subsequent resolution of spacetime singularity is possible in NC spacetime. Using ADHM construction we will show why emergent gravity provides a well-defined mechanism for the topology change of spacetime which does not suffer from any spacetime singularity in sharp contrast to general relativity.
Lecture 1 . Fundamentals and Motivations with Mathematical Foundations - Lie Bracket, Courant Bracket, Generalized Geometry etc.
(31/08 - from 11 to 12)
Lecture 2. Tools for future - ADHM construction - a rapid introduction (01/09 - from 11 to 12)
Lecture 3. Physical application - Topology Change in emergent gravity and resolution of singularity (02/09 - from 11 to 12)
Some recent developments in gravitation theory
Dmitry Galtsov (Moscow State University)
June 27 (monday): from 11:00 to 12:00
June 28 (tuesday): from 09:30 to 12:00 (with 30 minutes break)
July 08 (friday): from 09:30 to 10:30
This mini lecture course introduces some recent ideas in the theory of gravitation beyond Einstein gravity. The first is the idea that at small distances gravity becomes multidimensional and strong, with Planck's mass of the order of TeV. This predicts possibility of black hole creation at LHC which is currently under experimental search. Two follwing lectures are devoted to gravity models with massive graviton within the Minkowski space linear theory and the non-linear ghost-free gravity suggested in 2010. The last lecture intriduces non-minimal couplings of matter fields to gravity containing higher derivatives, but without ghosts.
1. TeV-scale gravity with extra dimensions
2. Massive graviton in linearized gravity
3. Non-linear massive gravity and bigravity
4. Horndeski couplings
Variational Methods in Differential Equations and Applications
Júlio César do Espírito Santo (UFOP) --- No, he is not Júlio César Fabris.
June 29 and July 1st. From 11:00 to 12:15
The main objective of this minicourse is to illustrate the direct method in the
Calculus of variations, used to treat problems involving Elliptical Operators.
In general, the method seeks to derive and analyze an equivalent variational
problem, in a certain sense, to the problem in differential equations.
This minicourse, divided in two parts: in the first meeting we wish to show the
Method details, applying it to a linear boundary problem, highlighting the
difficulties that arise and what motivates the concepts that are necessary for
its application. In the last meeting, we shall show what difficulties arise in
applying the Method to a non-linear problems, highlighting how it works to a
problem involving the p-Laplacian operator: known as the prototype and a mascot
to non-linear elliptical differential operators.
To be or not to be modified... gravity
Radouane Gannouji (UCV, Chile)
December 14 -18, 2015.
First lecture, Monday (Dec 14) from 11:00 to 12:30: The road to modified gravity.
I will introduce the current problems in cosmology and a possible road of investigation dubbed modified gravity.
Second lecture, Wednesday (Dec 16) from 11:00 to 12:30: Chameleon mechanism.
If a modification of gravity can be considered as welcomed at large scales, we need to hide the additional field locally. I will discuss the chameleon mechanism, its strengths and the weaknesses, from the lab to the Universe.
Third lecture, Friday (Dec 18) from 11:00 to 12:30: Vainshtein mechanism.
From massive gravity to galileons, various models propose an other screening mechanism. If the chameleon mechanism uses the non-linearities coming from matter couplings, the Vainshtein mechanism uses the self-coupling of a scalar-field degree of freedom as a source for the non-linear effect. We will see also various aspects of this mechanism
Introduction to cosmological perturbation theory
Jai-chan Hwang (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
November 10, 12 and 16 - 11 a.m. - PPGFis, room 3.
We introduce cosmological perturbation theory which is at the foundation of modern physical cosmology connecting observations with theories. Basics of relativistic linear and nonlinear cosmological perturbation theory will be explained. As it is convenient to have the covariant (1 + 3) and the ADM (3 + 1) formulation of Einstein's gravity, we will introduce these two formulations in the first couple of lectures. The gauge (coordinate degrees of freedom) issue and a way to use it for our convenience will be explained.
Here you can find the pdf file of the lectures.
The small scale problems of the LCDM model
Antonino del Popolo (Universita' di Catania -Italy )
October 05 -09, 2015.
Monday (Oct 05): from 11:00 to 12:30.
Wednesday (Oct 07): from 11:00 to 12:30.
Friday (Oct. 09): from 11:00 to 12:30.
Slides: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Horizons for surface waves in fluids
Alberto Saa (Unicamp)
August 12 -14, 2015.
Wednesday: from 17:00 to 18:15. (pdf)
Thursday: from 11:00 to 12:15. (pdf)
Friday: from 11:00 to 12:15. (pdf)
Surface waves on stationary flows will be revisited. We will focus on the linear regime for the waves, where an effective geometrical formulation is available and the notion of horizon for surface waves makes sense. We will show also that such fluid configurations can be studied experimentally in rather simple hydrodynamics setups which could be considered as simplified analogs of real spacetime phenomena.
Cosmic inflation and the origin of structure
David Wands (Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth)
May 7 (Thursday), 8 (Friday), 11 (Monday), 12 (Tuesday) 2015. From 11.00 to 12.30.
Venue: Room 3, ground floor of PPGFIS building.
Lecture 1: Inflationary dynamics
Lecture 2: Gauge-invariant perturbations
Lecture 3: Primordial perturbations from inflation
Lecture 4: Multiple field inflation (entropy perturbations and non-Gaussianity)
Self-adjoint extensions in Physics
Giuseppe Dito (Université de Bourgogne)
March 02 - 06, 2015, one lecture per day from 11.00 to 12.00.
Lecture 1: Hilbert spaces and operators
Lecture 2: Symmetric and self-adjoint operators
Lecture 3: Deficiency indices and Von Neumann theory
Lecture 4: Stone and Nelson theorems
Lecture 5: Applications to quantum physics
Canonical Gravity
Yaser Tavakoli (UFES)
December 15 (monday), from 11:00 to 12:15: Constrained Hamiltonian systems
December 16 (tuesday), from 11:00 to 12:15: Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity
December 18 (thursday), from 13:30 to 15:00: Ashtekar's variables for canonical gravity
Effective field theory methods in gravity and cosmology
Riccardo Sturani (UNESP)
Três aulas nos dias 18, 20 e 21/11/2014, das 11:00 às 12:30.
In a short series of lectures (3x1h30') I will outline the basis of the applications of effective field theory methods to classical theory of gravity.Effective field theory methods represent a powerful tool to perturbatively solve equations of motions.
In particular I will review the recent proposal to compute cosmological observables taking into account gravity non-linearities by mapping the cosmological equations into those of a viscous fluid coupled to gravity.
These lectures were based on these lecture notes. See also this page.
Sistemas vinculados: introdução aos formalismos Hamiltonianos de Dirac e Simplético
Davi Rodrigues (UFES)
Dias: 08/08/2014 e 15/08/2014. Das 11 às 12 horas.
Este minicurso é uma continuação do minicurso "Formulação Hamiltoniana da Relatividade Geral". O principal objetivo deste breve minicurso é apresentar uma introdução ao formalismo simplético, que é um formalismo alternativo ao formalismo Hamiltoniano de Dirac de tratamento de vínculos e simetrias, no qual se baseia o formalismo Hamiltoniano da Relatividade Geral.
Anti-de Sitter Space-Time
Betti Hartmann (UFES & Jacobs University Bremen)
16/7 (wednesday) Anti-de Sitter (generalities).
17/7 (thursday): Black holes in Anti-de Sitter
23/7 (wednesday): AdS/CFT in a nutshell
01/8 (friday): Stability of Anti-de Sitter
All the days from 11:00 to 12:15.
Astrofísica de aglomerado de galáxias com raios-X
Gastão B. Lima Neto (IAG-USP)
Days: 21, 22 and 23/05/2014. From 11:00 to 12:30. --- Lecture notes.
RESUMO: O objetivo deste mini-curso é dar uma visão geral de aglomerados de
galáxias e suas propriedades físicas. Será dada ênfase aos aspectos
observacionais, particularmente na banda de raios-X (0.1-10.0 keV).
PROGRAMA: Definição de aglomerado de galáxias e suas características.
Componentes de aglomerados: galáxias/estrelas, plasma intra-aglomerado,
matéria escura. Determinação de massa. Emissão de raios-X: descoberta e
processos de emissão. Espectroscopia e imageamento em raios-X e propriedades
astrofísicas associadas. Cooling-flow no centro de aglomerados e aquecimento
do gás intra-aglomerado. Aglomerados em alto redshift. Observação em raios-X
por satélites. Obtenção dos dados em raios-X, redução e análise.
Métodos Mathematicos - Minicurso sobre o Mathematica
Davi C. Rodrigues (UFES)
Às quartas-feiras, 11:00-12:00.
Dias em que houve aulas:
09/04/2014, 30/04/2014, 07/05/2014, 11/06/2014
Arquivos utilizados no curso: arquivo principal v4, UGC.txt, SetOptions2a.m.
Caso deseje receber emails de aviso sobre o curso, escreva para [email protected] .
Geometric theories of gravity
Bertrand Chauvineau (Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis,Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur - France)
Days: 5, 7, 12 and 14/02/2014. Always at 11:00.
Lecture Notes
Geometry & basic tools
I - Gravity & geometrical concepts
II - What can a geometric gravity lagrangian look like?
III – Symmetries, conservation laws, laws of conservation
Geometric gravity : General Relativity & sisters
IV - General Relativity & ways to alternatives
V - f(R) theories
VI - Other purely metric alternatives vs Ostrogradsky theorem
VII - Scalar-tensor theories
VIII - f(R) vs scalar-tensor
IX - Non-dynamical scalar-tensor
Formulação Hamiltoniana da Relatividade Geral
José André Lourenço (UFES - São Mateus)
Fridays from 14:00 to 15:00.
Starts: 24/01/2014.
Bibliografia da introdução à formulação Hamiltoniana com vínculos
Cusps and Cores in galaxies, problems and solutions
Antonino del Popolo (Universita' di Catania -Italy)
October 22 - 24, 2013.
From 14:00 to 15:00
Abstract & Program
First day, Second day, Third day
This mini course was canceled due to urgent personal reasons.
Dinâmica de sistemas gravitacionais
José de Freitas Pacheco (OCA-France)
Thursdays from 11:00 to 12:30
Oct, 2013 - Dez, 2013
Slides of the 2nd day
Lecture notes
A Física da Radiação Cósmica de Fundo
Hermano Velten (UFES, pdf), Wiliam Hipólito (UFES São Mateus, pdf), Daniel Boriero (Unicamp, pdf)
September 23 - 26, 2013. UFES, Vítória
Program and schedule
David Wands (Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth)
May 7 (Thursday), 8 (Friday), 11 (Monday), 12 (Tuesday) 2015. From 11.00 to 12.30.
Venue: Room 3, ground floor of PPGFIS building.
Lecture 1: Inflationary dynamics
Lecture 2: Gauge-invariant perturbations
Lecture 3: Primordial perturbations from inflation
Lecture 4: Multiple field inflation (entropy perturbations and non-Gaussianity)
Self-adjoint extensions in Physics
Giuseppe Dito (Université de Bourgogne)
March 02 - 06, 2015, one lecture per day from 11.00 to 12.00.
Lecture 1: Hilbert spaces and operators
Lecture 2: Symmetric and self-adjoint operators
Lecture 3: Deficiency indices and Von Neumann theory
Lecture 4: Stone and Nelson theorems
Lecture 5: Applications to quantum physics
Canonical Gravity
Yaser Tavakoli (UFES)
December 15 (monday), from 11:00 to 12:15: Constrained Hamiltonian systems
December 16 (tuesday), from 11:00 to 12:15: Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity
December 18 (thursday), from 13:30 to 15:00: Ashtekar's variables for canonical gravity
Effective field theory methods in gravity and cosmology
Riccardo Sturani (UNESP)
Três aulas nos dias 18, 20 e 21/11/2014, das 11:00 às 12:30.
In a short series of lectures (3x1h30') I will outline the basis of the applications of effective field theory methods to classical theory of gravity.Effective field theory methods represent a powerful tool to perturbatively solve equations of motions.
In particular I will review the recent proposal to compute cosmological observables taking into account gravity non-linearities by mapping the cosmological equations into those of a viscous fluid coupled to gravity.
These lectures were based on these lecture notes. See also this page.
Sistemas vinculados: introdução aos formalismos Hamiltonianos de Dirac e Simplético
Davi Rodrigues (UFES)
Dias: 08/08/2014 e 15/08/2014. Das 11 às 12 horas.
Este minicurso é uma continuação do minicurso "Formulação Hamiltoniana da Relatividade Geral". O principal objetivo deste breve minicurso é apresentar uma introdução ao formalismo simplético, que é um formalismo alternativo ao formalismo Hamiltoniano de Dirac de tratamento de vínculos e simetrias, no qual se baseia o formalismo Hamiltoniano da Relatividade Geral.
Anti-de Sitter Space-Time
Betti Hartmann (UFES & Jacobs University Bremen)
16/7 (wednesday) Anti-de Sitter (generalities).
17/7 (thursday): Black holes in Anti-de Sitter
23/7 (wednesday): AdS/CFT in a nutshell
01/8 (friday): Stability of Anti-de Sitter
All the days from 11:00 to 12:15.
Astrofísica de aglomerado de galáxias com raios-X
Gastão B. Lima Neto (IAG-USP)
Days: 21, 22 and 23/05/2014. From 11:00 to 12:30. --- Lecture notes.
RESUMO: O objetivo deste mini-curso é dar uma visão geral de aglomerados de
galáxias e suas propriedades físicas. Será dada ênfase aos aspectos
observacionais, particularmente na banda de raios-X (0.1-10.0 keV).
PROGRAMA: Definição de aglomerado de galáxias e suas características.
Componentes de aglomerados: galáxias/estrelas, plasma intra-aglomerado,
matéria escura. Determinação de massa. Emissão de raios-X: descoberta e
processos de emissão. Espectroscopia e imageamento em raios-X e propriedades
astrofísicas associadas. Cooling-flow no centro de aglomerados e aquecimento
do gás intra-aglomerado. Aglomerados em alto redshift. Observação em raios-X
por satélites. Obtenção dos dados em raios-X, redução e análise.
Métodos Mathematicos - Minicurso sobre o Mathematica
Davi C. Rodrigues (UFES)
Às quartas-feiras, 11:00-12:00.
Dias em que houve aulas:
09/04/2014, 30/04/2014, 07/05/2014, 11/06/2014
Arquivos utilizados no curso: arquivo principal v4, UGC.txt, SetOptions2a.m.
Caso deseje receber emails de aviso sobre o curso, escreva para [email protected] .
Geometric theories of gravity
Bertrand Chauvineau (Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis,Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur - France)
Days: 5, 7, 12 and 14/02/2014. Always at 11:00.
Lecture Notes
Geometry & basic tools
I - Gravity & geometrical concepts
II - What can a geometric gravity lagrangian look like?
III – Symmetries, conservation laws, laws of conservation
Geometric gravity : General Relativity & sisters
IV - General Relativity & ways to alternatives
V - f(R) theories
VI - Other purely metric alternatives vs Ostrogradsky theorem
VII - Scalar-tensor theories
VIII - f(R) vs scalar-tensor
IX - Non-dynamical scalar-tensor
Formulação Hamiltoniana da Relatividade Geral
José André Lourenço (UFES - São Mateus)
Fridays from 14:00 to 15:00.
Starts: 24/01/2014.
Bibliografia da introdução à formulação Hamiltoniana com vínculos
Cusps and Cores in galaxies, problems and solutions
Antonino del Popolo (Universita' di Catania -Italy)
October 22 - 24, 2013.
From 14:00 to 15:00
Abstract & Program
First day, Second day, Third day
This mini course was canceled due to urgent personal reasons.
Dinâmica de sistemas gravitacionais
José de Freitas Pacheco (OCA-France)
Thursdays from 11:00 to 12:30
Oct, 2013 - Dez, 2013
Slides of the 2nd day
Lecture notes
A Física da Radiação Cósmica de Fundo
Hermano Velten (UFES, pdf), Wiliam Hipólito (UFES São Mateus, pdf), Daniel Boriero (Unicamp, pdf)
September 23 - 26, 2013. UFES, Vítória
Program and schedule