We mostly work on data analysis and theoretical developments related to astrophysics, cosmology and gravitation. The research topics range from theoretical to observational aspects of Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation. See this automatic list of publications and the books section.
Astronomical surveys: Cosmo-ufes participates in large-scale collaborations such as ET, LIGO, Virgo, J-PAS, Euclid, LSST, Pierre Auger Observatory, SWGO and CTA.
Research grants: Besides by UFES, the Center's research and outreach activities are funded by the Brazilian research agencies CAPES, CNPq and FAPES. For some specific events, we also receive support from private companies.
Research grants: Besides by UFES, the Center's research and outreach activities are funded by the Brazilian research agencies CAPES, CNPq and FAPES. For some specific events, we also receive support from private companies.
Scientific meetings
We organize, co-organize and participate on several national and international meetings on our research areas. We organize at least one meeting per year, commonly more than two. The main recurrent events are:
- Verão Quântico ("Quantum Summer"). An international meeting held once in two years, during the summer, and with a broad spectrum within theoretical physics and astrophysics.
- José Plínio Baptista School of Cosmology ("JPBCosmo"). It is held once in two years and brings a few foreigner experts on the fields of cosmology and astrophysics to present minicourses. It is specially devoted for PhD students.
- Inverno Astrofísico ("Astrophysical Winter") -- It is a national meeting that happens every year during winter and it is focused on undergraduate students.
Advising, teaching and the new Phd program
The professors from Cosmo-ufes give classes and advise undergraduate and graduate students at UFES. Our expertise on research is valuable for the students, which have direct contact with current and international level scientific research topics.
PPGCosmo. Cosmo-ufes members are among the founders of the new PPGCosmo program, a PhD program on astrophysics, cosmology and gravitation that gathers several Brazilian and foreigner institutes and which is based at UFES. The current PPGCosmo coordinator is Prof. Valerio Marra.
There are several outreach activities either organized by Cosmo-ufes or with the participation of Cosmo-ufes members. The main organized are:
Cosmo-ufes was founded as a Center in 2017 and integrates professors from different groups from UFES. Before its foundation as a Center, it worked as a research group since 2012, by the same time the website started. This research group was based on the Gravitation and Cosmology group of UFES, which was founded by Prof. José Plinio Batista and Prof. Antônio Brasil Baptista in 1975.
Vitória-ES, Brazil
Quick links
Mailing lists
Cosmo-ufes announcements / E-mails de notícias
Mailing list for members Slack for members: send an e-mail. AddressNúcleo Cosmo-ufes, CCE
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 29075-910 - Vitória/ES - Brazil [email protected] |
Website administrators: DC. Rodrigues, J. Coelho, V. Marra & OF. Piattella. Contributions: several students and postdocs have helped to expand and maintain the content that can be found here, specially in the organization of the events section, where their corresponding names can be found. Disclamer: Cosmo-ufes is a center ("núcleo") from UFES; this website is maintained by Cosmo-ufes members.