The aim of the meeting is to foster the interaction of researchers and students acting in this field in Brazil, and neighbouring countries, promoting cross collaboration among different institutions. The program of the workshop is composed of short talks and significant time for discussions, practical activities and hack sessions.
Topics include: Weak and Strong Lensing studies on galaxy and galaxy cluster scales; applications to cosmology and modified gravity tests, the study of the lenses and of high-redshift galaxies; theoretical approaches and observational data in the whole electromagnetic spectrum; and lensing of gravitational waves.
Topics include: Weak and Strong Lensing studies on galaxy and galaxy cluster scales; applications to cosmology and modified gravity tests, the study of the lenses and of high-redshift galaxies; theoretical approaches and observational data in the whole electromagnetic spectrum; and lensing of gravitational waves.
April: 29-30: short seminars and discussions (details below).
May: 02-03: tutorials and hands-on sessions from 09:00 to 18:00
May: 02-03: tutorials and hands-on sessions from 09:00 to 18:00
Click in the images above to see the full program.
This event will be fully hybrid, as the two previous editions. However, we will request participants from the Rio de Janeiro area to participate in person.
Plenary sessions will have participation over zoom, on a single link for all sessions
Breakout sessions will have remote participation, if requested by the participants. The connections will be defined individually for each activity
Plenary sessions will have participation over zoom, on a single link for all sessions
Breakout sessions will have remote participation, if requested by the participants. The connections will be defined individually for each activity
Please register both for in person and remote participation by April 25 at
Registered participants will receive the zoom connection info by e-mail. In-person participants will be pre-authorized to enter CBPF and will receive a badge.
Registration to present talks is closed.
Registration fee: The suggested registration fee for the in person participants is R$ 60 for post-docs and faculty and R$ 30 for students. The sole purpose of the registration fee is to cover the costs of the coffee breaks.
Registration fee may be waived if it is a burden for the in-person participation. Extra donations from any participant are welcome. The link to pay the registration will be sent by e-mail.
Registered participants will receive the zoom connection info by e-mail. In-person participants will be pre-authorized to enter CBPF and will receive a badge.
Registration to present talks is closed.
Registration fee: The suggested registration fee for the in person participants is R$ 60 for post-docs and faculty and R$ 30 for students. The sole purpose of the registration fee is to cover the costs of the coffee breaks.
Registration fee may be waived if it is a burden for the in-person participation. Extra donations from any participant are welcome. The link to pay the registration will be sent by e-mail.
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas
Rua Lauro Müller, 455 - Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro
Zoom (link will be sent to registered participants)
Rua Lauro Müller, 455 - Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro
Zoom (link will be sent to registered participants)
Organizing Committee
- Clécio De Bom (CBPF),
- Cristina Furlanetto (UFRGS),
- Davi Rodrigues (UFES),
- João Paulo França (CBPF),
- Karín Menéndez-Delmestre (UFRJ),
- Martin Makler (CBPF & UNSAM, chair),
- Vitor Ramos (CBPF)
Quick links
Mailing lists
Cosmo-ufes announcements / E-mails de notícias
Mailing list for members Slack for members: send an e-mail. AddressNúcleo Cosmo-ufes, CCE
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 29075-910 - Vitória/ES - Brazil [email protected] |
Website administrators: DC. Rodrigues, J. Coelho, V. Marra & OF. Piattella. Contributions: several students and postdocs have helped to expand and maintain the content that can be found here, specially in the organization of the events section, where their corresponding names can be found. Disclamer: Cosmo-ufes is a center ("núcleo") from UFES; this website is maintained by Cosmo-ufes members.