Júlio César Fabris |
Professor Titular
CNPq Researcher 1B Current research interests: cosmology, dark energy, dark matter, black holes and gravitation. Positions: Professor Titular at UFES (2015 - present) Professor Associado at UFES (1991 - 2015) Professor Adjunto at UFES (1983 - 1991) Ph.D. on Physics from Université Pierre et Marie Curie (France) (1991) M.S. on Physics from UFMG (MG, Brazil) (1986) B.S. on Physics from UFES (ES, Brazil) (1981) List of papers: Inspire-HEP Curriculum: Lattes (Brazilian CV) Contact: Phone: +55 027 4009 2840 Email: @pq.cnpq , @cosmo-ufes.org |
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 29075-910 - Vitória/ES - Brazil [email protected] |
Website administrators: DC. Rodrigues, J. Coelho, V. Marra & OF. Piattella. Contributions: several students and postdocs have helped to expand and maintain the content that can be found here, specially in the organization of the events section, where their corresponding names can be found. Disclamer: Cosmo-ufes is a center ("núcleo") from UFES; this website is maintained by Cosmo-ufes members.