Venue and Accomodation
The eighth Verão Quântico will be held in Ubu, ES - Brazil.
Vitória is the capital of the Espirito Santo (ES) state. There are many daily direct flights from Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Brasilia and other cities to Vitória. Flying from Rio takes about one hour; from São Paulo about one hour and a half. The university (UFES - Campus Goiaberas) is located very close to the Vitória airport, about 5 min by taxi (3 km approximately). The conference venue is Hotel Pontal de Ubu (there are special prices for participants). In the registration formulary, after chosen the room, the reservation is done by the conference staff. Alternative Hosting:
There are two hostels near the conference venue which may be cheaper options for those who wish (daily rates per person, in Brazilian reais):
- Pousada de Ubu (Individual: R$150, double: R$ 100, triple: R$ 80, quadruple: R$ 70) - Pousada Pau Brasil (Individual: R$ 150, double: R$ 110 , triple: R$ 94, quadruple R$ 87 ) Those interested should contact the hotels on their own and make the reservation (do not forget to introduce yourself as a congress participant in order to get the special prices above). TransportationA bus is scheduled to transport the registered participants to the place of the event, and their return, with the following itinerary:
UFES (Campus Goiabeiras - Vitória) to Ubu , Sunday February 17th at 4:30 pm (arrival at 6:00 pm) Ubu to UFES (Campus Goiabeiras - Vitória), Friday February 22th at 05:30 pm (arrival at 07:30 pm) |
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Mailing lists
Cosmo-ufes announcements / E-mails de notícias
Mailing list for members Slack for members: send an e-mail. AddressNúcleo Cosmo-ufes, CCE
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 29075-910 - Vitória/ES - Brazil [email protected] |
Website administrators: DC. Rodrigues, J. Coelho, V. Marra & OF. Piattella. Contributions: several students and postdocs have helped to expand and maintain the content that can be found here, specially in the organization of the events section, where their corresponding names can be found. Disclamer: Cosmo-ufes is a center ("núcleo") from UFES; this website is maintained by Cosmo-ufes members.