Program:The school shall be realized during five days (October 15-19, 2018), in which the daily schedule shall be of the following form:
Mini Courses
Special Session: In honour of Antônio Brasil Batista on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Communications shall have a duration of 15 minutes plus 5 minutes of questions. A day of the week (typically Wednesday) shall be chosen for scientific divulgation, in the evening, for the local communities. Posters shall be displayed during the whole duration of the event and a poster session might be included in the above schedule in order for each author to briefly (5 minutes) present themselves and his work. This procedure has the aim of triggering and encouraging discussion among the participants. |
Quick links
Mailing lists
Cosmo-ufes announcements / E-mails de notícias
Mailing list for members Slack for members: send an e-mail. AddressNúcleo Cosmo-ufes, CCE
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 29075-910 - Vitória/ES - Brazil [email protected] |
Website administrators: DC. Rodrigues, J. Coelho, V. Marra & OF. Piattella. Contributions: several students and postdocs have helped to expand and maintain the content that can be found here, specially in the organization of the events section, where their corresponding names can be found. Disclamer: Cosmo-ufes is a center ("núcleo") from UFES; this website is maintained by Cosmo-ufes members.